Both adults and children with a confirmed diagnosis of either Coeliac Disease or Dermatitis Herpetiformis have been able to benefit from a Community Pharmacy based Gluten-Free Food (GFF) Service.

The GFF Service allows you to self-manage your gluten free prescription with the help of Community Pharmacy rather than having to go through your doctor’s surgery. Patients are identified and informed of the national Gluten-Free Food (GFF) Service by their GP. Your GP will also provide you with the Patient Registration Form that enables the pharmacy to register you for this NHS service

  • Patients can select products from the Gluten Free Food List which you can download from our website
  • Patients are required to complete a Gluten free requirement order form with their choices up to their maximum allocated units.

The following gluten free products are available on prescription in NHS Ayrshire. Please see the links below for downloadable forms and further information.


Find out more

Please feel free to contact us for advice and to find out more about the services we offer instore and online.